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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 10/07/2009

                          AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Olivier Gressier in the Avon Room, Building 1, Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Olivier Gressier, Brett Eisenlohr, Robert Martin, Bernard Zahren, Jamie DiPace and Marty Kaplan.  Member absent: Linda Meyers.  Advisory members present: Giorgina Paiella and Diane Zhao.  Advisory member absent: John Craig. Also in attendance was staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne.

On a motion by Marty Kaplan, seconded by Bernie Zahren, the September 2, 2009 minutes were approved as written.  Jamie Dipace abstained as he was absent from the previous meeting.


Marty Kaplan updated the members on the Canton Hydro project. A consultant will be chosen at the next meeting to present a feasibility study on the project.  Mr. Eisenlohr had a copy of the original study done in March, 1978, on which Mr. Kaplan said many used as a baseline for the current study.

Mr. Zahren questioned whether there was an update on the grant money.  Ms. Dearstyne said she was supposed to receive a user name the next day which is needed to access the program. The Town has until November 5th to apply and then the applications will be processed all at once. She added that Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson said through her contacts that we probably wouldn't see any monies until the spring and then we'd still need to go out to bid.  Mr. Zahren said that the writing of any energy plan would probably be a year off. On a side note he also congratulated everyone for their efforts to make Avon Day a success.

Mr. Martin spoke of an invitation offered by the Earth Science teacher, Mr. Morella, to have one or two of the members come and speak about clean energy to the students and possibly meet separately to discuss recycling. Mr. Zahren added that John Craig has a whole curriculum for the middle school on clean energy and that perhaps he would be willing to offer his assistance.

V. OLD BUSINESS: 1. School Energy Competition, 2. Overview of Avon Day, 3. Regional Grant, 4. Energy Boot Camp - Brett Eisenlohr and Bob Martin
Chairman Gressier said he needed to update the data he has on the schools' energy consumption in order to have a clean baseline. Mr. Martin mentioned the e-mail he sent to everyone relaying West Hartford's energy use competition.  He said it was very well received by the schools.  West Hartford picked a month that had a fairly neutral heating/cooling cycle and had the schools compete for reducing energy consumption. Mr. Gressier felt it important to keep the competition framework simple, just use a year over year comparison of consumption. To mimic West Hartford's efforts, he also suggested forming an oversight committee to be comprised of a mix of parents, students, teachers, principals, superintendents and/or custodians. Ms. Dearstyne suggested Roaring Brook's Green Team member Mary Beth Hart as a good contact for support.  Mr. Martin added that West Hartford went after people's "behavior" which costs nothing, similar to Mr. Kaplan's earlier suggestion of "behavior modification." Mr. Eisenlohr questioned whether recycling could be included in the competition. Ms. Zhao offered to include school newspaper articles to promote the contest. Mr. DiPace mentioned Vice-Principal Larry Sparks of Roaring Brook School as being a good source.  Mr. Zahren would like to include sign-ups for 20 by 2010 in the competition. Mr. Eisenlohr pondered including schools outside the town to be possible contenders.  Mr. DiPace countered that it'd be prudent to see the interest in Avon before venturing to other towns.  Ms. Zhao added that for the students, turning off lights would be a start to what could become a greater awareness of clean energy options.  Chairman Gressier will contact Superintendent David Erwin of the BOE to get going on the project.

Mr. Zahren told of the good and bad of Avon Day.  Participants had some difficulty explaining the flyers. Ms. Zhao said most people didn't seem to understand clean energy and what is it? Ms. Paiella had a mix of people who knew a lot or nothing.  Mr. Zahren met people who had already signed up for it.  He also said many people thought you'd get a separate bill if you signed up for the clean energy.  He said it was so easy but misunderstood. Speaking from the Farmington Woods perspective, Mr. Kaplan added that people want to save money on their electric bill and why should they pay more for Sterling Planet as a provider. He investigated why Con-Ed, who provides 100% clean and alternate energy for less money, was not included in the CT Clean Energy Fund's 20 by 2010 program. He said CCEF wants clean energy provided by the Northeast (Sterling Planet) and Con-Ed provides it from all over the country. CL & P has agreed to provide one bill but you need to get on the website and look at the list of providers and choose.  Mr. Zahren suggested pitching it as you can get solar panels and clean energy too. Mr. Eisenlohr suggested posting this information on the town website or including it in the next town newsletter.

Mr. Kaplan relayed information he received regarding harnessing wastewater in Avon, Farmington, and Canton as a suggestion to qualify for the regional grant. Unfortunately, he said it could possibly only produce 1 KW of power. Instead, he suggested applying for the regional grant to get an inground geothermal system for Farmington Woods which serves both Avon and Farmington. Mr. DiPace suggested the committee look at the gas fired co-generator system recently installed at the convalescent home, which heats water to provide heat and hot water for the facility.

Mr. Martin discussed his and Mr. Eisenlohr's visit to the Energy Boot Camp. Overridingly out of this came the need to have an energy plan. He added that the State does not have a central resource where information is available and that hurts us.  We are behind other states in clean energy pursuits. Mr. Eisenlohr offered to forward the Boot Camp power point presentation to the committee members.  He said another thing that was mentioned was to make sure suppliers include the ability to measure energy savings with the comprehensive energy plan to ensure you're getting the savings they promised.  The RFP should include incentives for local businesses. Also, he spoke of leveraging buying energy for the town.

VI. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund - Retrofit Outdoor Lighting, 2. Biofuel - Brett Eisenlohr, 3. Green Energy Purchase - Bernie Zahren, 4. Community Innovation Grant Program - Bernie Zahren
Mr. Martin spoke of counting the outdoor light fixtures for a retrofit, from sodium to LED lighting. He counted 248 light poles in town total. Most of these are on school property. Fifty percent of the retrofit would be paid for in a grant offered from the CT Energy Efficiency Fund and, in addition, the utility offers a no interest loan to pay for the remainder. Mr. Gressier asked Ms. Dearstyne if that was something we could do or would we have to run it through the town. She will find out and report.  Mr. Gressier explained that cost is related to distance to the fixture: the cost of changing the bulbs and the energy savings are directly related to the payback on the investment.  Mr. Martin has already contacted Bruce Williams of Public Works who has equipment available to change the bulbs. Mr. DiPace reminded the members of the role the zoning department could play in retrofitting to LED lighting. Mr. Martin said the upcoming installation of the new salt shed will provide a working model of the LED lighting.

Mr. Eisenlohr spoke of a statute that says the Town would have to go to a 20% biofuel mixture by September of 2010 for the bus fleet. He recently spoke to a supplier and could possibly invite him to speak to the group.  He did add that the town would probably go through CROG anyway. Both Mr. Zahren and Mr. Kaplan asked the composition of the biofuel. Ms. Dearstyne reminded that our fleet manager Alex Trujillo should be involved in the process and to contact him first before meeting with the vendor.

Mr. Zahren told of energy suppliers Sterling Planet and Community who are offering a cash incentive of $25.00 for signing up, as well as, credit towards the solar panel. The commission would go back to the town with the option to spend the money anywhere they wanted. Mr. Zahren will contact Ms. Robinson about the plan.  He also told of a grant available that is to be used to market the 20 by 2010 campaign through education or publicity.  It comes in two pieces: $2,000.00 first followed by another $2,000.00. Ms. Dearstyne said you'd have to first join the EPA Community Energy Challenge which would require you to establish benchmarks to track energy use over a period of time that shows a savings of at least 10%.  There is no time limit but it would rely on town employee man hours to track the project. Personnel would have to be in place before we signed up for it. Mr. Zahren said it would give us the first real dollars for the committee to use and the Town could save 10% on its energy consumption. Mr. Martin volunteered to work with Laurie Carlson of Public Works to try and track energy use.  

Mr. Zahren told of a program he and the Talcott Mountain Science Center are working on to raise awareness of the competitive differences between solar, photovoltaic and the windmill that he's having installed. They'll be having a tower raising ceremony in a few weeks which could possibly provide some publicity for the Commission's efforts to promote clean energy. Mr. DiPace cautioned against a possible conflict of interest. Mr. Zahren will send the press release to the members when it's ready for review.

Mr. Martin would like to have a photograph of the members.  Mr. DiPace offered to help and a picture can be taken when all members could be together.  Mr. Kaplan reminded the group of the upcoming Farmington Woods Green Team Festival to be held October 17th.  

Mr. Bud Pirrello, a principal of Lighting Technology in East Hartford, was in the audience and offered his services to the members as a counsel on LED outdoor lighting.


Chairman Gressier motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM.  None opposed.

                                                        Respectfully submitted:
                                                        Chairman Olivier Gressier

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk